Category Phone Number List

Determine who your competitors are

Selling the product while there’s nothing wrong with that, think about what else you can send to your new email subscribers. Do you have a special report they would appreciate? An excerpt from a podcast or book? A video that teaches them how to do something? A handful of blog posts that have proven to be your most popular? Don’t just ask your brand new subscriber to buy, buy, buy. And don’t just send a single welcome email. Send a series. This way, you can give more than you ask. You can serve, solve problems, and make them feel welcome. Nothing does this better than content. It’s all about balance.

Nintendo Not all fun and games

Notice how the cookware brand Made Canada Mobile Database In sandwhiched a link to content with techniques and recipes in between promotional offers and new product. That’s smart because this email welcomes newsletter subscribers, and those contacts definitely want content. Made In B2C email content with images of pots, pans, and cooking utensils Via Really Good Emails 2. Promotions with content Speaking of selling, what’s one of the best ways to do this using email? Let’s say you have a new vitamin supplement, or want to promote an existing one.

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Determine who your competitors are

One way to do this is to just send out emails Buy Email List selling the product. 20% off ought to do it, right? Except now you have to make up the losses from the coupon. Instead, you could send out a link to an article explaining how to stay healthy during cold and flu season. One of the tips would be the supplement. Later, send out a video explaining how supplements help fight off various ailments. After that, find data on the time and money a person saves when they stay healthy, and compare that to the price of the supplement. Do all that, and then send an email offering the supplement for sale.


Market and sell more effectively

This type of email marketing content increases opens, clicks, shares, replies, and other forms of participation. Plus, it creates loyal customers who trust and respect your brand. So, they keep coming back for more. 5. Audience insights CMI found that 42% of companies said one of their greatest challenges was creating content that appeals to different segments of their audience. This is yet another area in which content and email can help each other out. One way to start improving the personalization of your email marketing content is to pay attention to who is clicking on what. And it works both ways.

Step 3 Pinpoint differentiators

If your email list is segmented, content marketers can Conduit Mobile Number List discover the topics that resonate with certain types of subscribers. Share analytics between teams to gain audience insights that help optimize both the content and email strategies. 6. Subscriber education An educated subscriber is a subscriber who’s much closer to making a purchase decision. Content is one of the most persuasive ways to explain the features and benefits of B2C products and services. This can make future sales opportunities effortless. Whereas, if you just start wailing on them with sales offer after sales offer right after they join your list, you burn them out and turn them off.

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Competitive Analysis Example strategic

Five ideas for using content in email campaigns Buy Email List As mentioned earlier, your email marketing content should be more than just newsletters and sales offers. And yet as you’ll recall, CMI found that 44% of B2C marketers aren’t using non-newsletter emails to distribute content. That’s a missed opportunity. Here are five other ways to increase your content marketing through email. 1. Welcome email content What should you include in your welcome email marketing content? A lot of B2C companies jump straight to coupons, giveaways, and special offers.


Develop new products and services

When customers appreciate expect your content. They want your content. So, deliver it! 2. List building Likewise, anyone who finds your website and appreciates the content you’ve published is more likely to want more of it. High-quality content on your site assists your list-building efforts. With no content, how many people are likely to fill out that bare-bones opt-in form that has nothing of substance surrounding it to back up its promises? 31% of content marketers in CMI’s study said they use subscriber list growth as a key measure of content performance.

Competitive Product Analysis

That’s because if your content is good, people Armenia Mobile Number List want it delivered directly to their inboxes. 3. Link building and sharing High-quality content gets shared. And the people who are likely to share it the most are your email subscribers. These are your biggest fans. Your herd. Your people. When you send them great content, they’ll be the most likely candidates to share it on social media and elsewhere. And when they do, you benefit from increased exposure and from backlinks that improve your search engine rankings. 4. Better email engagement We all get sick and tired of being sold to.

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Assess your current product pricing

Even when customers appreciate a company Buy Email List and buy from them regularly, nonstop selling becomes a bit of a drag. Eventually, those over-selly emails start to go unopened. That’s the first sign of a lagging customer or subscriber. But when you make a habit out of using email for more than promotional purposes, the response will be positive. Now, the email is speaking to problems and challenges that your subscribers are dealing with in their businesses and lives. It’s sparking curiosity and even triggering a problem-solving mindset.


Identify gaps in the market

Distribution Search engines  separate, companion report from CMI found that 74% of B2B marketers cited email as the most-effective channel for pushing out content. Of course, it works both ways. Email marketers should find effective ways to use B2C content in different kinds of messages. If you’re sending an email newsletter, but then using all your other emails for sales and promotions, your customers are missing out, probably getting a little weary, and not feeling as well-served as they wanted to be when they subscribed. Ironically, you’re probably missing out on sales too.

Where does your competitor have the advantage

Consumers who are educated, informed. And entertained Cyprus Mobile Number List by content from your brand are more likely to be engaged. Keep purchasing from you. Six ways email and content support each other. Email and content marketing should go hand in hand. Email is the best channel for continually engaging with your top customers and prospects. Content is one of the best ways to do it. That’s because content solves problems, answers questions, piques interest, and invites participation. And email gets the right content to the right person at the right time. But content marketers and email marketers need to work together in order to take advantage of that strong connection. Let’s look at why rowing in the same direction is so effective.

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What is your competitor doing well

Content distribution Search engines, social Buy Email List media, paid ads, and online influencers – those are just some of the ways a brand’s content can reach consumers. However, one of the big differences with distributing content through email is that you have more control over who sees it and when they get it. While you can target a specific audience with paid ads and social media promotion, your email list is your target audience. You know the people receiving the content are going to be interested because they either signed up to get your emails or have already purchased from you.


Competitive Analysis in Marketing

Only website metrics down the walls between the teams and figure out how to combine your efforts, and you’ll get better results. In other words, email isn’t just about selling, and content marketing isn’t just about information. Both need each other to do what they do best – engage and convert subscribers, visitors, and customers. How B2C content marketers use email So, what else did the Content Marketing Benchmarks Report have to say about how email and B2C content are being used in marketing strategies? For starters, 67% of survey respondents use email newsletters to distribute content, and 71% use email marketing software as part of their tech stack.

Identify the company’s core values

This shows that the majority of marketers Venezuela Mobile Number List know that content and email should be working together. Another 56% of B2C marketers use emails other than newsletters to distribute their content. That means marketing teams are using content more strategically than simply sending out the newest blog posts in the next email newsletter. Email is also part of the mix when it comes time to measure the success of B2C content. CMI found that, at 63%, tracking email engagement was one of the top three ways that marketers gain insight into content performance.

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Weaknesses opportunities and threats

Only website metrics (67%) and conversions (65%) surpassed Buy Email List email marketing metrics. Despite what seems to be a strong connection between email and B2C content marketing, there’s still a significant chunk of marketers who could be taking full advantage of email. CMI found that, in the last 12 months, B2C marketers were more likely to have used Facebook (88%), LinkedIn (78%), and Instagram (70%) to distribute content organically. B2B content marketers tend to rely on email a bit more often than those marketing to consumers.

What is competitive market research?

Help your email marketers and designers create emails that stand out from the competition. Ready to get started? Take Email on Acid for a free trial spin for seven days, and let us help you get sending now. This article was updated on July 7, 2022. It first published in June of 2016. LET EMAIL ON ACID IMPROVE YOUR EMAIL WORKFLOW Whether you’re a small marketing team or a large communications department, Email on Acid can help improve your email workflow. Send your email straight from your ESP right to our platform and preview your design in over 100 email clients and popular devices.

Posting frequency and consistency

Plus, our sharing and mark-up tools allow Mexico Mobile Number List you to collaborate with team members and stakeholders easily. Try us free for seven days and see for yourself! Email and B2C Content Marketing: How to Maximize Your Strategy 0 Email and B2C content marketing go together like peanut butter and jelly. They’re better together. Unfortunately, the two teams that are creating content and sending emails don’t always take the time to collaborate and communicate. That could mean missed opportunities for both email marketers and content marketers.

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Perform a SWOT Analysis to learn

Worse yet, it could mean the two teams are operating Buy Email List under totally different marketing strategies. That’s a lot like a crew team trying to row their boat in two different directions at once. In that case, nobody is going anywhere. By breaking down the silos between email and content marketing, both will become more effective in reaching, engaging, and converting consumers into loyal customers. And you might already be feeling the need for this – in the 2022 B2C Content Marketing Benchmarks Report, 41% of B2C marketers named internal communications between silos/teams as one of their key challenges.


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Possible to create fallbacks the third box, we have the same sort of thing, but the cycle changes the box to black at the third 25% of the animation: 0% { background:  25% { background: } 50% { background: #000000 } 75% { background:  100% { background If you look at the full code, you’ll also notice we still make sure to target the three browser types – hence why the code is so long! Background animations A really powerful feature we have access to is the ability to animate backgrounds. This is one of our favorite ways to add subtle animations to give your emails an edge without worrying about fallbacks. When it doesn’t animate, it just looks like a regular background.

Look at their social media presence

This is the effect we’ll be creating: Animated email Bahrain Mobile Number List background image Check out the working code sample before you get start. So how do we create this amazing effect? Again, it’s all about getting your head around what’s supporte and how to use keyframe animations. In the code, we tell the background image to scroll to a pixel value that’s either in a positive or negative direction from the starting point of the background: background-position: 0 0; } } We can modify this further by adding images/text on top of the scrolling background to create clever animations like the creative company display block did above. How can I be sure my CSS animations will work? As we mentione before, CSS animations have limite support across email clients.

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Strategies and go-to platforms

While it’s possible to create fallbacks, how can Buy Email List you be sure your email will look as you intende? At Email on Acid, we like to say, “Don’t guess, test!” Let us help you send your best email using our Campaign Precheck tool. This feature can help you: Preview your email on major clients Validate your links Check your spelling Collaborate via Team Management tools to make the review and QA process organize, streamline, and efficient Why leave the success of your CSS animations up to chance when you can see how your email will appear to your subscribers across major email clients? That’s a wrap CSS animations and animate GIFs are great ways to enhance your emails.


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Animated loading bar we’re doing here is telling the browser that for any element with the class spin applie to it, we want to call our animation and have it spin for four seconds for an infinite loop. Fading In this tutorial, we’ll use the same principles as above to create a fading animation. This is what we’re going for: Grumpy cat image fades in and out We’ll target the three main different browser types to ensure our code appears in every possible client it can. The big difference here is that we’ve thrown in some extra keyframes. All this means is that at 0% of the animation cycle, the opacity is set to “0,” meaning it’s fully transparent.

Who else is sharing what your competitors

Then, at 50% (or halfway through the USA Phone Number List animation. The opacity will be “1,” or fully opaque. Then, at 100% of the animation cycle, the animation is set to “0” opacity again. Using this keyframe method, we can control exactly what we want our animation to do and when. By having it start and end on 0 opacity, we create a nice fading loop. We call our animation exactly the same way as we did for the rotation: . Simulate “Loading Bar” Ever wante to make a loading bar? Let’s learn how by using a sequence of changing background colors to mimic the effect of a loading bar, like so.

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Who is referring traffic to your competitor’s

Simulation of an animate loading bar As this code Buy Email List is a bit longer and a bit more complicate, we’ve put it onto Codepen so as to not fill the page. We’ll reference the code to dig into it below, but check out the full working code here. Basically, what we’re doing here is creating five different animations. Each has five stages of animation: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% We color each box black to create this effect at a different stage of the animation. For example, the first box has this: 0% { background:25% { background: 50% { background: 5% { background:100% { background:  For the first 25% of the animation cycle, we’re saying we want the box to have a black background color.


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Talk about spooky. Halloween email with CSS animation of ghosts display block Creative email agency display block used a few different CSS animation styles to include a bit of motion in the example below. By moving a background layer behind an image, they create the effect of a scrolling iPhone: Graphic with CSS animation What are some CSS animation techniques? As email developers, we’re used to having limited support for web techniques in email, and, unfortunately, CSS animations are no exception.

What other sites are linking back to your competitor’s

Check out the following code snippets for a few ways to Colombia Mobile Number List add CSS animation to emails with at least moderate support. If you need a refresher, take a look at our CSS basics tutorial. Rotate rotate is one of the most common CSS animation techniques around. A simple rotate can add a lot to your email technique. Here’s what we’re going to achieve: Grumpy cat image rotates The following code handles the animation above:eyframes spin-transform: rotate(360deg); transform:rotate(360deg); } } Let’s look at what’s going on here. We’ll start with the following: transform:rotate(360deg); This snippet controls the animation.

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Which social media platforms are your target audience

It’s pretty simple, but we’re simply telling the Buy Email List browser to “transform” the CSS element. The transform we’re calling in is the rotate transformation, and we’re going to rotate it 360 degrees. Then, the rest of the code simply covers different browsers and email clients. As you can see, we’re targeting Mozilla clients, WebKit clients and non Webkit clients alike. Now that we’ve set up the CSS animation, we can simply declare it for the element(s) we wish to animate. Create a class and call the animation we created (named “spin”) with the following code: .


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So if you’re concerned about the latter, check out our Campaign Precheck tool. You can also mitigate time issues by creating an animation “framework.” Every time you create a cool new CSS animation, consider saving the animation code by itself. That way, you can build a reusable library of animations you can pull into your email campaigns. This is an example of modular design, which can really speed up email development. What email clients support CSS animations? Perhaps the most important consideration is your subscriber base.

Which keywords are your competitors

CSS animation functionalities are supported across Argentina Mobile Number List a mix of different email clients. However, if you’re dealing primarily with a B2B subscriber base, you’ll definitely want to know your subscriber’s device. If only 10% of your list opens on a device or email client that supports CSS animations, you may want to use an email GIF instead. After all, our goal is to optimize the user experience, and more email clients may support GIFs than CSS animations. Check out the following table to see if an email client supports CSS animations.

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What content of theirs is highly shared

Email client Supported? Apple Mail Buy Email List Yes Gmail No Microsoft Outlook (except macOS) No Microsoft Outlook (macOS 2011, 2016) Yes Yahoo! Mail No AOL No Samsung Email Yes Mozilla Thunderbird Yes For other email clients, check out the full list from Can I Email. How can I use CSS animations in emails? Now that we’ve gone through some CSS animation basics, let’s look at two examples of how to use CSS animations to enhance email campaigns. Seagate’s Halloween email Check out the following Halloween email from Seagate. Notice how the creative agency behind this email used CSS animations to create the effect of ghosts flying down the email.


A brand color palette should

Know the pitfalls CSS animations support repeating animations? One major drawback of CSS animations is the lack of email support for the animation-iteration-count property. This property enables us to control the number of times an animation repeats. That means we can either have an animation repeat once or infinitely. It’s a pretty heavy drawback, but there are still lots of amazing animations you can do in emails with continuous looping. In addition, check out how pseudo-classes can help you restart CSS animations.

Observe how they promote their marketing

Can CSS animations do delayed animations? Another Chile Mobile Number List drawback is the lack of support for the animation-delay property. This is the CSS snippet that allows us to delay how long before an animation triggers and starts. That means all our animations will start as soon as the email loads. Can CSS animations do scroll-based or scroll-triggered animation? Unfortunately, CSS animations can’t do scroll-based or scroll-triggered animations. These techniques use jQuery (a sub-branch of JavaScript) to handle scroll-based triggers to call in the CSS animations.

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Keyword density in the copy itself

It’s a beautiful technique, but we all know the pitfalls Buy Email List of trying to get JavaScript to work in an email! How much time do you have to create your email campaign? Time is a very important factor when making changes to your email campaigns. For instance: Will the animation be complex and take many hours to create? If so, consider the use of animated GIFs. Will the animation take a lot of time to test across different platforms? At Email on Acid by Sinch, we’ve got your cross-platform testing needs covered.


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Bouncing heart quickly is of the essence. Your subscriber might get tired of waiting for a GIF that loads slowly and gets stuck on the first frame. In fact, they might even close out of your email before they’ve even seen your well-crafted animation. But fast-loading, lightweight CSS animations can quickly grab your subscriber’s attention. Don’t miss out on conversions due to a slow load time! How do CSS animations grab a subscriber’s attention? Our eyes are drawn to movement, and animation in emails is no exception to this evolutionary rule.

Readers respond better to Facebook updates

Check out the following CSS animation Brazil Mobile Number List from display block, a creative email agency, and tell us it doesn’t grab your attention right away: animated email banner graphic with shaking hands in the shape of a heart How do CSS animations allow email designers to spice up emails? You might not be an email designer, but it’s good to remember why CSS animations matter to other members on your team. For instance, CSS animations are a great way to spice up a boring email and inject the look and feel of your brand at a glance. Check out the CSS animation example from above.

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Don’t forget to note if your competitor categorizes

Not only does the bouncing heart quickly grab Buy Email List your attention, but it also adds a creative touch. Doesn’t it almost look like a handshake? What are some drawbacks of using CSS animations? While there are many benefits to using CSS animations, they’re not the perfect tool for every email situation. Some considerations and potential drawbacks to using CSS animations include: Repeating animations Delaying animations Scroll-based/scroll-triggered animation Not visible to every subscriber What do these mean? Let’s dig into each consideration below.