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Why do I need a social media calendar

More experiment ideas we could pick yours! Follow me on Instagram. For more experiment ideas, and tag us in some of the experiments you do with your friends! 7. Sponsore YouTube Video Description Templates Disclosing paid sponsorships or product placements doesn’t have to be super jargon-heavy. Using a template like this one can help you be candid with your audience without straying from your brand’s voice and sounding like a robot. Hey, y’all! Today, we’ll be rebuilding a 454 Chevy Big Block motor. We’ll be adding 200 horses to bring the motor up to 680 horsepower. I hope y’all are ready to dive into business with Motor Boyz.

Choose your social media content formats

This episode is sponsore by Husky tools, and we’ll be using their latest impact Belarus Mobile Number List and driver tools to rebuild the 454. We would like to thank Anderson Auto for donating the 1972 C10 to be our frame once the motor is rebuilt and complete.Use YouTube description templates. [Free Prompts] HubSpot compile seven YouTube video description templates to help your business provide context to your viewers, rank better in search, organize your team, and link to relevant web pages on your site. HubSpot’s 7 YouTube Video Description Templates Download These Templates for Free 2. Explain your content. To explore the best tactics for writing YouTube descriptions, I spoke with Eric Peters, a Senior Growth Product Manager on HubSpot’s Academy team.

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He said, “[YouTube descriptions] are one of the primary ways Buy Email List YouTube knows what your video is about. Include links, additional resources, links to other videos and playlists, etc. Make sure the description box is easy to read.” Peters explaine that your YouTube video description and clos captioning should incorporate keywords into your description. It also helps with accessibility for people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Hence, adding close captioning to your videos is an absolute must for accessibility. For instance, take a look at one of HubSpot Marketing’s YouTube video descriptions: youtube video description example: hubspot A YouTube description differs from a web page meta description.


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Take the full course here:. Some people are unsure what X is — at its most basic, X is [brief definition of keyword]. In this video, you’ll learn how to X, Y, and Z, to ensure you’re able to grow your brand online. In addition, we’ll explain how you can avoid doing A. Sometimes, A is all it takes to lose a customer. 4. Teaser YouTube Video Description Template. Use your video descriptions as an opportunity to let your viewers know when to expect new content from you, like this template: Join the “musical nerds” on a mission to improve our musical understanding. We upload every Wednesday and Thursday. We will have Q & A sessions to answer all of your beginner questions on Wednesdays, starting next week.

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Transparent YouTube Video Description Template Hungary Mobile Number List Transparency is key to gaining the trust of your audience. This template is a great example of how to let your viewers know when you are using affiliate links in your descriptions. What’s up, guys? In this video, we’ll talk about an everyday makeup look you can do in 10 minutes. I’m not an early riser, but just like anyone, I still want to look good for the day. I’ll list the products I used in this video. Please subscribe if you are feeling my vibe. I post content weekly, and you can always find me on Insta! I’ll drop my social media handles below. **All opinions are my own. This video isn’t sponsored. I’m sent products for my consideration, and I earn a small percentage from sales through affiliated links. Clicking on affiliated links doesn’t cost you anything.

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Engaging YouTube Video Description Template Engaging Buy Email List with your audience is essential for building community with them. Here, this description encourages viewers to leave suggestions in the comments section for the chance to be featured in future videos. Hi, everyone! We’re the Science Kidz! Today we are experimenting to find out which popcorn brand leaves behind the least number of kernels. Will it be Orville Redenbacher’s or Act II? Every week, we do a new experiment as part of our initiative to highlight STEM careers in Savannah, Georgia. If you have an experiment you want to see The Science Kidz try, leave a comment below.


The Social Media Content Calendar

Template Download for free Learn more YouTube Video Description Templates A YouTube video description is descriptive text that includes but is not limited to keywords, themes, and special concepts/guests that the content creator wants their viewers to know. The YouTube video description increases visibility through SEO, views, and subscriptions. In each video description, the content creator will encourage their viewers to “Like,” “Share,” and “Subscribe” to their content. An effective video description will be persuasive and informative, and prompt the audience to tune in regularly.

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Simple YouTube Video Description Template Rather than writing a lengthy summary of your video, keep your video descriptions detailed enough to let the viewer know what to expect, yet concise enough so they don’t lose interest. Listen to how our CEO explains the difference between X and Y, and learn best practices for implementing your own strategy. Learn more about X and Y in our course: [course link]. 2. Social Media YouTube Video Description Template You can use a YouTube channel description like this one to help new viewers connect with you on your other channels and social media platforms: Hi there! New to [name of channel]? If so, here’s what you need to know: I like [interests related to channel] a LOT.


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So I use this channel to explore X, Y, and Z, to help Buy Email List you [desired result for viewer]. Where else you can find me: INSTAGRAM:TWITTER: [accountname] Join our growing community for new videos every Tuesday and Friday! BUSINESS INQUIRIES Please contact [PR representative] at [email or phone number]. 3. Search-Friendly YouTube Video Description Template YouTube increases visibility within keyword searches and relevant content. As a result, videos should have buzzwords in video and channel descriptions. If you want to craft a description that explains what your video is about and incorporates a keyword description, try this: Hey there! This lesson is part of a free online course.


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Pals YouTube channel channel description example: yoga adriene Image Source Yoga With Adriene’s YouTube channel description highlights one of the channel’s main values: inclusion. The channel description mentions that everyone is invite to participate and learn more about yoga through her videos, regardless of their skill level. The description also recommends videos that beginners can watch to become familiar with the content. Why We Love It This channel description is an excellent example of how a company’s mission can be useful for video content. The description gives subscribers a glimpse into Yoga with Adriene’s values, creating a connection with the viewer. This angle is helpful for ranking on YouTube because it’s aligne with morals and values that subscribers can easily identify with.

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Wild Wonderful Off-Grid youtube channel description Italy Mobile Number List example wild wonderful off-grid. Image Source Wild Wonderful Off-Grid’s YouTube channel description positions the channel within a niche by using the keywords “off-grid,” “self-reliant,” and “building our own home” to appeal to viewers who are intereste in living off-the-grid. The description also invites viewers to visit their online store and social media profiles. Why We Love It This YouTube channel description establishes a niche, describes the channel’s content, provides background information about the creators, and encourages subscribers and viewers to participate further in their brand. The description also directs their audience to other aspects of their business, such as their store and social media platforms, which fosters value for their subscribers.

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The Pals youtube channel description example: the pals Image Buy Email List Source The Pals’ YouTube channel description introduces the channel’s creators, lists the video games the channel will highlight, and provides each creator’s personal YouTube channel and Roblox username. Why We Love It This YouTube channel description focuses on the entertainment the channel provides. The description targets subscribers looking for gaming knowledge and mentions the creators’ personal journeys to set the channel apart from others in the same niche and genre. 5. Florian Gadsby youtube channel description example: florian gadsby Image Source Florian Gadsby’s YouTube channel description introduces the channel’s creator and lists the topics that viewers can expect to see when they subscribe.


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Wes McDowell wes Video Description To learn more about using. YouTube for marketing purposes, consider checking out HubSpot. Academy’s comprehensive YouTube Marketing course. 5. Use timestamps to make videos scannable. Including timestamps in your video description can make your video more user-friendly and help your content rank well on search engines. YouTube video timestamps appear within search results, improving user retention by directing users to the most relevant portions of videos from SERPs. Users can search for keywords that. Appear in your video’s description and click on a thumbnail on the. SERP to view the portion of your video that answers their search query.

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Youtube description examples: timestamps Image Source Spain Mobile Number List Free. YouTube Description Templates Free templates to help you plan and promote your YouTube videos. Description Templates Thumbnail Template Banner Image Templates YouTube Strategy. Template Download for free Learn more YouTube Channel Description Examples Every YouTube channel description should allude to a specific niche or central theme. You want to tell your audience what they will learn from your channel. This will give them a reason to tune in to your channel, subscribe to it, and continue learning from you and your videos. Additionally, when you add your niche to your YouTube description. Your audience can more easily find you in a sea of potentially similar creators.

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Wes McDowell wes Image Source Wes McDowell’s YouTube Buy Email List channel targets viewers in the digital marketing niche. The channel description mentions the channel’s mission: teaching small businesses owners digital marketing strategies they can use to grow their businesses. The description also lists topics the channel will feature in its videos, invites viewers to subscribe, and describes the benefits of subscribing to the channel. Why We Love It This YouTube channel description is clear and direct. It details what viewers will get when they come to the channel. This description also describes the marketing strategies and techniques viewers will learn. Clarity goes a long way to make a channel easily searchable and rankable on YouTube.


A company profile differentiates your brand

Collapsed YouTube use asterisks or all-caps to differentiate titles from body copy because it’s all plain text. Consider writing up a text version of the key points from the video, or even copying the transcription of the video and paste it into the description.” Free YouTube Description Templates Free templates to help you plan and promote your YouTube videos. Description Templates Thumbnail Template Banner Image Templates YouTube Strategy Template Download for free Learn more 3. Include a call-to-action (CTA). Your YouTube description is a fantastic opportunity to ask viewers to continue to engage with your channel or find additional resources that will help them learn more about a topic of interest.

Tips for Writing Your Executive Summary

For instance, let’s say you create a brief “How to Add Filters to Ukraine Mobile Number List Instagram” YouTube video, but you also have an in-depth “How to Use Instagram for Marketing” blog post. Why not link it in the description? Most likely, anyone watching your Instagram video on YouTube would be equally grateful for the opportunity to learn more through a blog post. Perhaps you simply want to ask viewers to subscribe, turn on notifications, or share your content with their networks. These are all acceptable CTA’s for your description. You must format your description to ensure you put the most important information first. Peters advises, “The first 200 characters are above the ‘more’ fold on the description box, so if you want your CTA/link to be seen by most people, keep it within the first 200 characters.”

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Collapsed YouTube Video Description With Show More Box Buy Email List Highlighted After the first 200 characters, your text will be cut off, and viewers will need to click “Show more” to see the rest. Therefore, you must make your first 200 characters count. 4. Add your personality. A YouTube description should be fun and demonstrate your brand’s personality with a unique voice. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, this is an opportunity for you to instill creativity and humor into your content. Brian Dean’s YouTube channel is a great example of this. His YouTube descriptions often mirror the way he speaks. The descriptions are candid and casual, and he makes it feel like he’s writing to a friend.


Why Company Profiles are Important

You’re conducting research, you learn the customer uses powerful customer service software you haven’t been taking advantage of. This information should arm you with the opportunity to outperform your competitors’ processes. To figure out which software your competitors’ use, type the company’s URL into Built With, an effective tool for unveiling what technology your competitors’ site runs on, along with third-party plugins ranging from analytics systems to CRMs. Alternatively, you might consider looking at competitors’ job listings, particularly for engineer or web developer roles. The job listing will likely mention which tools a candidate needs to be familiar with — a creative way to gain intel into the technology your competitors’ use.

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Use YouTube description templates. YouTube video description Poland Mobile Number List templates to help your business provide context to your viewers, rank better in search, organize your team, and link to relevant web pages on your site. HubSpot’s 7 YouTube Video Description Templates Download These Templates for Free 2. Explain your content. To explore the best tactics for writing YouTube descriptions, I spoke with Eric Peters, a Senior Growth Product Manager on HubSpot’s Academy team. He said, “[YouTube descriptions] are one of the primary ways YouTube knows what your video is about. Include links, additional resources, links to other videos and playlists, etc.

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Company history and leadership

Make sure the description box is easy to read.” Peters Buy Email List explained that your YouTube video description and closed captioning should incorporate keywords into your description. It also helps with accessibility for people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Hence, adding closed captioning to your videos is an absolute must for accessibility. For instance, take a look at one of HubSpot Marketing’s YouTube video descriptions: youtube video description example: hubspot A YouTube description differs from a web page meta description. In a YouTube description, content creators explain what your entire video is about and even link to external resources. Peters told me, “You get 5,000 characters total, so make use of it.


The value of the products you sell

Straight-Forward YouTube Channel Description Template. Tell your audience exactly what they can expect from your channel. By using this template: This channel gives pop culture commentary through a [political ideology] political lens. We make commentary on books and current events. We also upload a new video every Wednesday and Friday. Free YouTube Description. Templates Free templates to help you plan and promote your YouTube videos. Description Templates Thumbnail Template Banner Image Templates YouTube Strategy Template Download for free Learn more. YouTube Video Description Examples A helpful video description can spike your audience’s interest and result in longer watch times, better view counts, and even new subscribers.

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Plus, it can help with YouTube SEO, allowing YouTube’s algorithm to Honduras Mobile Number List understand your content and suggest it to new users, further boosting your YouTube metrics. 1. “5 Best Coding Languages for Beginners 2021” by nicole . young youtube video description example: nicole young Image Source The description of nicole . young’s YouTube video, “5 Best Coding Languages for Beginners 2021,” hooks the viewer by posing a question that will be answer in the video. The video description also includes a benefit that the viewer will gain from watching the video. Why We Love It In this video description, the creator summarizes the video’s title and specifies the target audience.

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The text will help audiences (and YouTube) understand Buy Email List the video’s content. This creator understands that the channel description is prime real estate for contact information, social media handles, and calls to action, persuading viewers to stick around. “How to Write Counterpoint – Music Composition” by Music Matters youtube video description example: music matters Image Source The description of Music Matters’s YouTube video, “How to Write Counterpoint – Music Composition,” uses keywords such as “writing counterpoint,” “music composition lesson,” and “understanding counterpoint” to appeal to audiences that are interest in learning the music composition technique.


Tell your story & be authentic

video description also includes an incentive for viewers to. learn more about the creator’s products. Why We Love It This description is great because it let. sviewers know what’s coming next. Inserting a “new segment” in your YouTube series allows viewers to anticipate your next . “Microgreens Growing: Materials and Beginner’s Guide” by Epic. Gardening youtube video description example: epic gardening Image Source. The description of Epic Gardening’s YouTube video, “Microgreens Growing: Materials and Beginner’s Guide,” invites novice gardeners to learn about growing microgreens. The video description tells viewers about the creator’s past experience with microgreens.

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Lists the supplies that the creator mentions in the video. And lists Ecuador Mobile Number List ways that viewers can support the creator beyond watching their video. Why We Love It The creator provides a list of products used in the video. The viewers can conduct further research into the products or purchase them immediately through the links. “Budgeting for Beginners – How to Make a Budget From Scratch 2021” by Debt Free Millennials budgeting for beginners youtube description Image Source Debt Free Millennials’ YouTube video, “Budgeting for Beginners – How to Make a Budget From Scratch 2021,” teaches viewers to create a budget. The description gives viewers an overview of the topics covered in the video and invites them to sign up for products and services through affiliated links.

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It also includes links to the creator’s Instagram, Facebook group, and Buy Email List website so that viewers can connect with the creator through different social platforms. Why We Love It The creator has created a sense of community and togetherness. If you include your social media links in your YouTube video description, subscribers will follow you on multiple platforms to remain engaged with your content. The content creator invites them to return for new videos and share their own experiences on social media. Free YouTube Description Templates Free templates to help you plan and promote your YouTube videos. Description Templates Thumbnail Template Banner Image Templates YouTube Strategy.


Decide on the format or style

The description also includes timestamps that viewers can use to skip. to the portion of the video that addresses the specific topic they want to learn about. Why We Love It This YouTube video description uses keywords to appeal to a niche audience. The specificity makes it easily searchable on YouTube. Using keywords to make each video search-friendly. will drive traffic to your video’s specific content. “How to Create a 90 Day Plan for your Business (+ Free Workbook)” by Anna Clark youtube video description example: anna clark Image Source The description of Anna Clark’s YouTube video, “How to Create a 90 Day Plan for your Business (+ Free Workbook),” includes links to the creator’s website, courses, newsletter, and social media accounts, and a workbook that viewers can download and complete as they watch the video.

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Why We Love It It’s good to involve your viewers in other aspects Bolivia Mobile Number List of your business. The interaction and engagement you earn will help you rank against other active channels. Directing your viewers to other resources for your business will also help your. YouTube channel drive traffic to your website, increasing your authority in your business niche. “How To Create An Email Sales Funnel” by Wishpond youtube video description example: wishpond Image Source The description of Wishpond’s YouTube video, “How To Create An Email Sales Funnel,” hooks the viewer by stating that the video is the fourth installment in a series and linking to the previous video. The video description also includes an incentive for viewers to learn more about the company.

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Why We Love It This description segments the video as a section of Buy Email List a larger series. If subscribers learn that you provide similar content on your channel, they will be more inclined to watch your other videos. The desc ription also lets viewers know there’s a free demo of the service. If you sell other products or services in your business, be sure to link them in the description. “How to Outline Your Novel – Part 2” by Writing with Jenna Moreci youtube video description example: jenna moreci Image Source The description of Writing with Jenna Moreci’s YouTube video, “How to Outline Your Novel – Part 2,” hooks the viewer by stating that the video is the second installment in a series and linking to the previous video.


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My channel publishes videos that focus on storytelling content that connects X, shows you how to infuse your authenticity in your brand, and gives you a marketing strategy that feels organic. If that sounds like it could be helpful for you, please join me! 2. Third-Person YouTube Channel Description Template Alternatively, you can craft a YouTube description that describes what your company does from a third-person point of view, like this one: [Company] is the worldwide leader in X, Y, and Z. Since [year], [Company] has been on a mission to [insert company vision or purpose here]. To learn more about [Company], its values, and its [company offering], subscribe to our channel to stay info rmed.

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Niche YouTube Channel Description Template Let your subscribers Paraguay Mobile Number List know what you’re all about and describe your niche when writing your YouTube channel description. [Name] and [Name] have nuanced discussions about dating, their lifestyle, and relationships. They discuss current topics that affect modern dating and how to maneuver relationship patterns. You can purchase [Name] and [Name]’s [product] to learn more about improving your knowledge of relationships. 4. Inviting YouTube Channel Description Template Building a relationship with your followers is one of the most important things you can do as a content creator. Use this template to invite them to join you on your journey as you grow your brand.

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This channel gives everything you need to know Buy Email List about gaming, including the latest equipment reviews, new game reviews, and once-a-week live streams. Watch as I, [name], try to beat my high score in the latest release of [insert game name here]. 5. Personal YouTube Channel Description Template Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with your audience. Adding personal touches in your YouTube channel description, like the template below, can help you come across as more authentic. This is a personal journey of how I became a painter. Learn about what paints I purchase, the tools I use, and the techniques I learned during school. Art is my passion, and I express my love for [insert passion] through it.